- 初中 junior high school
- 高中 senior high school
- 高等教育 tertiary education
- 必修课 a required/compulsory/mandatory course
- 选修课 an optional course
- 核心课程 core subjects
- 增强技能 improve/sharpen their …… skills (e.g. use a variety of methods to sharpen leadership skills)
- 交际能力 communication skills
- 解决问题的能力 problem-solving skills
- 独立思考的能力 independent thinking skills
- curriculum 是各个科目的统称 (e.g. History should be added to the school curriculum) 一个科目是 a subject
- 课余活动 extra-curricular/after-school activities
- 发展多种多样的技能 develop a wide range/variety of skills
- 激发想象力/创造力 stimulate/encourage imagination and creativity
- (反义:limit/stifle their creativity)
- 实现潜能 achieve/realize their potential
- (学校)提供全面的、多样的教育 provide a well-rounded education
- 培养全面发展的人才 produce well-rounded individuals
- 做义工 do voluntary work
- 培养强烈的社会责任感 develop a strong sense of social responsibility
- 学术表现出色(成绩)have good academic performance; get/achieve good grades
- 扩宽知识面 expand their knowledge
- 理解并欣赏艺术 understand and appreciate art
- 帮助学生适应职场需求 prepare students for employment/the job market/the future workforce
- 面对求职的激烈竞争 face tough/stiff/fierce competition for jobs
- 事业发展方向 career path
- 选择他们真正感兴趣的事业发展方向 choose career paths that really interest them
- 拥有更好的职业前景 have better job prospects
- 拥有竞争优势 have a competitive edge
- 求职者 job applicants
- 满足学生的需求 meet students’ needs
- 更加重视 place more importance on
- 学术科目 academic subjects (理论知识 theoretical knowledge/为发展实践技能提供基础 provide a foundation for developing practical skills)
- 实践技能 practical skills (获得实践经验 gain hand-on experience/应用和检验所学的知识 apply and test their knowledge)
- 形成良好学习习惯 develop/form good learning habits (例如:regular attendance/effective note-taking/timely completion of homework )
- 实现目标 achieve their goals
- 增强他们学习动力 increase their motivation to learn
- 减少干扰 reduce distractions
- 时间管理技能/充分利用时间 time-management skills/make the best use of their time
- 管理预算 learn to manage their budget (money-management skills)
- 死记硬背 learn by rote; memorize facts and figures
- 参加小组讨论 take part in/participate in group discussions (interact with their classmates/share ideas and opinions with their classmates)
- 鼓励合作与分享 encourage cooperation and sharing
- 向着共同目标努力 work towards their common goals
- 帮助树立信心 help them build self-confidence
- 打击信心 damage their self-confidence
- 鼓励学生去探索 encourage students to explore
- 参加体育运动 take part in sports
- 提高他们的力量、速度和耐力 increase their strength, speed and endurance
- 帮助他们对……形成积极的心态 help them develop a positive attitude towards
- 锻炼 exercise (exercise regularly; take regular exercise)
- 健康生活 lead a healthy lifestyle
- 均衡饮食 eat a balanced diet
- 学费 tuition fees
- 生活费 living costs
- 低收入家庭 low-income families
- 面都财务困难 face financial difficulties
- (根据学生是否贫困)发放的资助 need-based financial aid
- (根据学生是否优秀)发放的资助 merit-based financial aid
- 为……提供资助 give financial support to
- 确保所有学生都能获得平等的权利 ensure equal opportunities for all students
- 受到不公正待遇 are treated unfairly
- 在学习中承受了巨大压力 be under great pressure with their studies
- 校服 school uniforms
- 良好的家庭教育 good parenting
- 增进亲情 strengthen family bonds 削弱亲情 weaken family bonds
- 实现工作和家庭的平衡 achieve a good work-family balance
- 为孩子树立好榜样 provide good role models for their children
- 教给孩子良好的举止 teach their children good manners
- 放纵孩子的家长 permissive parents
- 溺爱孩子 spoil their children
- (家长)为孩子提供情感支持 provide them with emotional support
- (孩子)向家长寻求建议 seek advice from their parents
- 形成良好的道德观念 develop good moral values
- 处于性格形成阶段 be in their formative years
- 红绿灯 traffic lights
- 人行横道、斑马线 zebra crossing
- 人行道 sidewalk, pavement, footpath
- 行车道 carriageway
- 吊销驾照 license suspension
- 汽油为动力的汽车 petrol-powered cars
- 增加温室气体排放 increase greenhouse gas emissions/increase carbon emissions
- 车辆排出的尾气 car fumes/traffic fumes/exhaust fumes from vehicles
- 电动汽车 electric cars
- 更节能 be more energy-efficient
- 政府应该为购买电动车的车主提供补贴 Governments should offer subsidies to electric car buyers.
- 减少人们对汽车的依赖 reduce people’s dependence on cars
- 乘坐公共交通 take public transport
- 步行或者骑自行车上下班 walk or cycle to and from work
- 提高交通税 raise the vehicle tax
- 交通事故 road accidents/car accidents
- 交通噪音等级 traffic noise levels
- 减轻交通拥堵 ease traffic congestion
- 通勤时间 commuting time
- 提供实时路况信息 provide real-time traffic information
- 违反交规 break traffic rules
- 危险驾驶 dangerous driving
- 不考虑后果的司机 reckless drivers
- 交很高的罚金 pay heavy fines
- 安装超速监控摄像头 install speed cameras
- 提高交通安全意识 raise public awareness of road safety
- 航空公司 airline companies
- 使乘坐飞机出行更加容易承担(便宜)make air travel more affordable
- 铁路或者公路不能到达的地方 areas inaccessible by rail or road
- 自然资源 natural resources
- 节约自然资源 conserve natural resources
- 节约能源/节约用电 conserve energy/conserve electricity
E.g. The amount of available fresh water is limited, so it is important to conserve water.
E.g. use natural light whenever possible (自然光) - 人口的快速增长 rapid population growth
- 崇尚消费的文化 consumer culture
- 工业生产 industrial production
- 原材料 raw materials
- 化石燃料 fossil fuels (coal/natural gas/oil/petrol)
- 一种令人警觉的趋势 an alarming trend
- 破坏环境 damage the environment/cause damage to the environment
- 通过严格的立法保护环境 introduce strict laws to protect the environment
- 工业烟尘 industrial fumes
- 工厂的温室气体排放 greenhouse gas emissions from factories
- 全球变暖 global warming
- 加剧气候变化 contribute to/exacerbate climate change
- 导致极地冰盖融化 cause the polar ice caps to melt
- 提升海平面 raise sea levels
- 破坏大气臭氧层 damage the ozone layer
- 让更多紫外线到达地球 allow more ultraviolet light/rays to reach Earth
- 增加患皮肤癌的风险 increase the risk of skin cancer
- 减少碳足迹 reduce our carbon footprint (即减少由于个人开车、使用电器、采暖导致的温室气体)
- 治理工业污染 control industrial pollution
- 污染空气 pollute the air
- 导致酸雨 lead to acid rain
- 导致患哮喘、支气管炎和肺癌的风险上升 increase the risk of asthma, bronchitis and lung cancer
- 破坏建筑 cause damage to buildings
- 污染河流和湖泊 pollute rivers and lakes
- 将废料排入河流 discharge waste into rivers (e.g. The factory was fined for discharging waste into the river.)
- 石油泄漏 oil spills
- 威胁海洋生物 threaten marine life/pose a threat to marine life
- 砍伐森林 log forests
- 砍伐大量树木 cut down large numbers of trees
- 毁坏自然栖息地 destroy natural habitats
- 扰乱生态系统 disrupt the ecosystem
- 导致自然灾害 cause natural disasters
- 沙尘暴 dust storm
- 洪水和干旱 floods and droughts
- 极端天气状况 extreme weather conditions
- 可再生能源 renewable energy sources (energy from solar/wind/hydro power)
- 促进可再生能源的使用 promote the use of renewable energy
- 可替代能源 alternative energy sources
- 实现可持续发展 achieve sustainable development
- (太阳能/风能)严重依赖于天气状况 depend heavily on weather conditions
- 建造核电站 build nuclear power station
- 发电 generate electricity
- 有放射性的核废料 radioactive nuclear waste
- 导致健康和安全方面的担忧 cause health and safety concerns
- 核事故 nuclear accident
- 核武器 nuclear weapon (may be obtained by terrorists 落入恐怖分子手中)
- 水资源短缺 water shortages
- 灌溉需求 irrigation needs
- 洗衣服 do laundry
- 海水淡化技术 desalination technology
- 生活垃圾 household waste
- 在公共场所乱丢废弃物 drop litter in public places
- 循环利用废弃物 recycle waste
- 使用后就丢弃的社会风气 a throw-away culture
- 避免一次性物品 avoid disposable items
- 反复使用购物袋 reuse shopping bags
- 织物制成的购物袋 fabric shopping bags (more eco-friendly)
- 双面打印 use double-sided printing
- 塑料包装 plastic packaging
- 可生物降解的材料 biodegradable materials
- 不可生物降解的材料 non-biodegradable materials
- 选择包装少的产品 choose products with less packaging
- 不会轻易分解 do not break down easily
- 提高环保意识 raise environmental awareness
- 学校的环境教育项目 environmental education programs in schools
- 媒体报导的环境问题 media coverage of environmental issues
- 保护濒危物种 protect endangered species
- 濒临灭绝 face extinction, on the verge of extinction, endangered
- 灭绝 become extinct
- 对象牙的非法交易 the illegal ivory trade
- be hunted for meat/fur/horns
- 皮草 fur coats
- 捕鲸和杀海豹 whaling and sealing
- 非法野生生物制品 illegal wildlife products
- 打击盗猎 combat poaching
- 减少生物多样性 reduce biodiversity
- 破坏生态系统 damage the ecosystem
- 扰乱食物链 disrupt food chain
- 保护自然栖息地 protect natural habitats
- 威胁海洋生物 threaten marine life
- 建立更多自然保护区 establish more nature reserves (interesting and educational)
- 人造栖息地(比如动物园) man-made/artificial habitat
- 关在笼子里面 are kept in cages 可能出现的问题有:lose their freedom, feel lonely and frustrated, change their habits
- 动物实验 animal testing/experiments
- 实验室使用的动物 laboratory animals
- 动物保护团体 animal rights groups
- 减少它们的痛苦 minimize their suffering
- (宠物可以成为)好伙伴 good companions
- are good for people’s emotional health
- help people relieve stress
- ease loneliness
- 守卫犬 guard dogs
- 有责任心的主人responsible pet owners
- 流浪动物 stray animals
- 传播疾病 spread diseases
- 动物的排泄物 pet waste/excreta/excretion/excrement
- 工作满意度 job satisfaction
- 工资高的工作 a well-paid job
- (职业)符合他们的技能和兴趣 match their skills and interests
- 实现职业目标 achieve their career goals
- 感到受尊重和重视 feel respected and valued
- 人际交往能力 interpersonal skills
- (员工)拥有平等的升职机会 have equal opportunities for promotion
- 有成效的团队合作 effective/productive teamwork
- 鼓励创新 encourage innovation
- 压制创新 stifle innovation
- 从事重复性劳动 perform repetitive tasks
- 应该得到回报 should be well rewarded
- 一个有回报的工作 a rewarding job
- (经济上的回报 financial rewards/心理上的回报 emotional rewards)
- 保持他们的动力 keep them motivated
- 提高士气 improve their morale
- 打击士气 damage employee morale
- 清晰的事业发展方向 clear/well-defined career paths
- 选择自己感兴趣的事业发展方向 choose career paths that really interest them
- 员工福利 employee benefits
- 提高员工忠诚度 increase employees’ loyalty to the company
- 工作稳定性 job security (high levels of job security)
- 一份稳定工作 a steady job
- 一个稳定收入来源 a steady source of income
- 临时工 temporary employees
- 有多种多样的经验 have a wide range of experience
- 发展多种多样的技能 develop a wide range of skills
- 有更多时间用于个人兴趣 have more time for their personal interests
- 被付低工资 are paid lower wages
- 升职机会更少 have few opportunities for promotion
- 员工福利 employee benefits
- 医疗保险 health insurance
- 带薪休假 paid holiday
- 不扣工资的病假 sick leave
- 从事体力工作的工人 manual workers
- 脑力工作 office jobs/desk jobs
- 压力很大的工作状况 stressful working conditions
- 频繁加班 frequently work overtime
- 几乎没时间参加休闲活动 have little time for leisure activities
- 更好的取得工作和生活之间的平衡 achieve a better work-life balance
- 有更加灵活的工作时间 have more flexible working hours/flexible work schedules
- 收入过高 be overpaid
- 应该有更高收入 should be better paid
- 生活水平 living standards/ the standard of living
- 变得过于物质 become too materialistic
- 对于自己拥有的不满足 be dissatisfied with what they have
- 提高就业竞争力 increase the employability
- 看电视(名词短语)television viewing (e.g. They encourage students to reduce their television viewing.)
- 流行的休闲活动 a popular leisure activity
- 增加家庭凝聚力的活动 a good family bonding activity
- 增长见识且有教育意义的 be informative and educational
- 提供有趣的话题 provide good topics of conversation
- 被动的娱乐 passive entertainment (do not require much thought)
- 主动的娱乐 active entertainment (e.g. solve puzzles–are mentally stimulating; think actively and independently)
- 上网 surf the Internet
- 浏览网页 browse websites
- 很方便的获取(信息/资源) have easy access to
- (人)接触到(信息)be exposed to (e.g. Teenagers are frequently exposed to media violence.)
- (青少年)不能区分现实和幻想 cannot easily tell the difference between reality and fantasy
- (政府应该)监管暴力内容 regulate media violence
- 电影分级制度 the film rating system
- 广告 advertisements (可数) advertising (不可数)
- 商业广告 commercials
- 公益广告 non-profit advertising
- 虚假广告 false/deceptive advertising
- 弹出式广告 pop-up advertising
- 网页上弹出的广告 pop-up advertising windows
- 针对小孩的广告 advertising aimed at children
- 广告宣传费用 advertising costs
- 广告产业 the advertising industry
- 广告收入 advertising revenue
- 广告代言人 advertising endorser
- 受营利目的驱使 be driven by profit
- 提供误导信息 provide misleading information
- 减少消费者的忠诚度 reduce customer loyalty
- 建立消费者的忠诚度 build customer loyalty
- 让产品对消费者更有吸引力 make products more attractive to consumers
- 帮助消费者更好地了解产品 help consumers better understand the advertised product
- 是重要的营销工具 is an important marketing tool
- 帮助消费者根据可靠信息做出选择 help consumers to make informed choices
- 提升广告产品销量 boost the sales of advertised products
- 崇尚消费的社会 consumer society
- 对于新产品的需求 the demand for new products
- 价格更加合理的消费品 more affordable consumer goods
- 冲动购物 buy things on impulse/buy things impulsively
- 不负责的“刷卡” use credit cards irresponsibly
- 发现自己深陷债务 find themselves deeply in debt
- 形成不良消费习惯 develop unhealthy spending habits
- 把财富等同快乐 equate wealth with happiness
- 豪车 luxury cars
- (广告)让看节目的人扫兴 spoil people’s enjoyment of the show
- 有创意和娱乐性 are creative and entertaining
- 是一种重要的娱乐来源 is an important source of entertainment
- 是生活中不可或缺的一部分 is an indispensable part of our lives
- 大规模广告宣传 advertising campaigns
- 很容易受到广告影响 are easily influenced/swayed by advertising
- (政府)监管针对小孩的广告 regulate advertising aimed at children
- 名人 celebrities
- 努力劝说人们购买某个产品 try to persuade people to buy a product
- 追求最新的潮流 follow the latest trends
- 影响消费者做购物决定的过程 influence consumers’ decision-making process
- 可支配收入 disposable incomes
- 有不同的品味和偏好 have different tastes and preferences
- 时事 current events
- 帮助人们了解重要事件 inform people about important events
- 新闻报道 news coverage/reports/stories
- 电子媒体 electronic media
- 提供及时的新闻资讯 provide up-to-the-minute news and information
- 帮助人们对……更加了解 help people gain a better understanding of ……
- 帮助人们做出基于可靠信息的决定 help people make well-informed decisions
- 影响人们的看法和态度 influence people’s opinions and attitudes
- 媒体对于事件夸大渲染 media sensationalism
- 夸大新闻 sensationalize (v.) news stories
- 吸引更多观众、听众、读者 attract more viewers, listeners or readers
- 误导公众 mislead the public
- 犯罪率 crime rates
- 违法 break the law
- 罪犯 criminal(s), offender
- 受害者 victim(s)
- 犯罪 commit crimes, commit a crime
- 再次犯罪 reoffend (v.)
- 持枪的罪犯 armed criminals
- 用枪自我防卫 use guns in self-defense
- 预防犯罪 prevent crime, crime prevention
- 警官 police officers
- 威慑犯罪/罪犯 deter crime/criminals
- 抓捕罪犯 catch/arrest criminals
- 从根本解决犯罪问题 address the root causes of crime
- 减少社会不公 reduce social inequality
- 惩罚罪犯 punish criminals
- 严重罪行 serious offenses (美式拼写)(英式拼写: offences)
- 送进监狱 are sent to prison
- 在监狱服刑 serve prison sentences
- 失去自由 lose their freedom
- 不能再对别人构成威胁 cannot pose a threat to others
- 反思自己的行为 make them reflect on their actions
- 导致监狱人满为患 lead to prison overcrowding
- 导致怨恨 lead to resentment
- (有人)可能被误判 may be wrongly convicted
- 被释放 be released from prison
- 被释放的囚犯 released prisoners/former prisoners/ex-prisoners
- 有犯罪记录的人 people with a criminal record
- 受到不公正待遇 be treated unfairly
- 没有稳定收入 do not have a steady source of income
- 改造犯人 reform criminals (reform them into contributing members of society)
- 职业培训 vocational training
- 增强就业适应性 increase their employability
- 重回社会 re-enter society/re-integrate into society
- 减少再次犯罪的可能 reduce re-offending
- 守法公民 law-abiding citizens
- 守法 obey laws, abide by laws
- 惩罚力度不够 is not a sufficient punishment
- 轻罪 minor crimes (vandalism 破坏公共财物;shoplifting 顺手牵羊;driving without a license 无证驾驶)
- 交罚款 pay fines
- 社区服务 (do/perform) community service (e.g. There are plans for more offenders to do community service instead of short prison sentences.)
- 媒体对犯罪的报道 media reports on crime
- 过度渲染犯罪 sensationalize crime
- 增加人们对犯罪的恐惧 increase people’s fear of crime
- 心理伤害 emotional suffering
- 增强安全防范措施 increase security measures (in areas with high crime rates)
- 增派警察巡逻 increase police patrol
- 安装摄像头 install security cameras in public places
- 增进社区安全 improve community safety
- 侵犯隐私 invade people’s privacy
- 限制自由 restrict people’s freedom
- 可替代枪支的方法 alternatives to guns (pepper spray 胡椒喷雾)
- (用枪)可能伤及无辜 may shoot innocent people
- 科技的创新 technological innovations
- 科技的突破 technological breakthroughs
- 采用新的科技 adopt new technologies
- 应对新挑战 meet new challenges
- 满足消费者需求 meet consumers’ needs
- 工业自动化 industrial automation
- 办公自动化 office automation
- 从事重复性劳动 perform repetitive tasks
- 提高效率 improve/boost efficiency
- 提高生产率 boost productivity
- 减少成本 reduce costs
- 被广泛使用 be widely used
- 工业装配线(流水线)assembly lines
- 被大批量生产的产品 mass-produced goods
- 信息时代 the information age
- 电子设备 electronic devices (可数) electronic equipment (不可数)
- 使用化肥 use chemical fertilizers
- 提高农作物产量 increase crop yield
- 提高农业生产率 improve farming productivity
- 增加食品供给 increase food supplies
- 避免食品短缺 prevent food shortages
- 有助于保持食品价格稳定 help to keep food prices stable
- 对消费者健康构成威胁 pose health risks to consumers
- 有机食品 organic food (is safer and more nutritious)
- 利用网上资源 use online resources
- 搜索引擎 search engine (e.g. Google/find information efficiently and effectively)
- 促进思想和信息的自由交流 promote free exchange of ideas and information
- 电子书 e-books/electronic books
- 提供很多搜索选择 provide many search options
- 容易储存和携带 are easy to store and carry
- 在屏幕上看电子书 read books on a screen
- 可能造成眼睛疲劳或者头疼 may cause eye strain or headaches
- 纸质书 paper books/printed books
- 纸张的质感 the texture of the pages
- 喜欢翻书的体验 enjoy turning the pages
- 喜欢捧书的感觉 prefer to hold a real book in their hands
- 不容易导致视疲劳 are easier on the eyes
- 可以舒服地做笔记 can take notes comfortably
- 网店 online shops
- 以更低价格购物 shop at lower prices
- 可以看用户评语 can read customer reviews
- 实体店 physical shops/brick-and-mortar shops
- 远程教育 distance education (students can study at their own pace)
- 传统的实体教室 traditional/physical/brick-and-mortar classrooms
- 面对面讨论 face-to-face discussions
- 形成亲密友谊 form close friendships
- (教师)利用网络资源来作为教学补充 supplement their teaching with online resources
- 远程上班 work from home/work remotely
- have more flexible work schedules
- can achieve a better work-life balance
- save money on transport costs
- (雇主)减少办公室的开支 reduce office costs
- (雇主)可以扩大招聘员工的选择范围 can expand their labor pool
- 视频会议 video conference
- 在一个虚拟的世界里 in a virtual world
- 社交网络 social network
- 视频分享网站 video-sharing websites (e.g. YouTube, TikTok, bilibili)
- 参与网络论坛讨论 participate in online forum
- 在网上和朋友互动 interact with friends online
- 过度依赖 rely heavily on
- 电脑制作的动画片 computer-generated animations
- 人工智能 artificial intelligence
- 是由计算机程序控制的 be controlled by computer programs
- 更少犯错误 make fewer mistakes
- 从事带有重复性的劳动 perform repetitive tasks
- 导致失业 cause unemployment
- 变得具备自我意识 become self-aware
- 变得完全独立自主 become completely autonomous
- 电子游戏机 video game consoles
- 具有互动的娱乐 interactive entertainment
- 提高眼手协调能力 increase hand-eye coordination
- 激发想象力和创造力 stimulate imagination and creativity
- online educational games (online language games; online math games; online quiz games)
- online intellectual games (online chess; online puzzles)
- 变得自我为中心对别人不关心 become self-centered and insensitive to others
- 网瘾 Internet addiction
- 对……上瘾 be addicted to
- 导致缺少运动的生活方式 lead to a sedentary lifestyle
- 长时间盯着电脑 stare at a computer screen for many hours
- 导致缺少睡眠 cause lack of sleep
- 美化暴力和杀戮 glorify violence and killing
- 使儿童变得有攻击性 make children aggressive
- 网络诈骗 online/Internet fraud
- 电脑黑客 computer hackers
- 邮件病毒 email viruses
- (电脑)被感染病毒或者木马 be infected by viruses or Trojan horses
- 科技对通讯方式的改变
- 变革了我们的交流方式 has revolutionized/transformed/changed the way we communicate
- 交流方式(名词) means of communication
- 和亲友保持联系 keep in touch with their family and friends
- stay connected with ….
- 想家 feel homesick
- 打视频电话 make video calls
- (写信)更真诚考虑更周全 more sincere and thoughtful
- 正式商务信函 formal business letters
- 用手机上网 browse the Internet on their mobile phones
- 用手机支付账单 pay bills with their mobile phones
- 是一种重要的娱乐来源 is an important source of entertainment
- 可能会出现头疼和注意力不集中的症状 may suffer from headaches and loss of concentration
- 太空飞行 space flight (探索太空:explore (v.) space; space exploration (n.))
- 太空旅游 space tourism
- 涉及高风险/巨额费用 involve high risks/huge costs
- 加重纳税人负担 increase the burden of taxpayers
- 太空垃圾 space junk/waste
- 满足好奇心 satisfy curiosity
- 载人航天计划 manned missions
- 和太空探索有关的科技发明 space-related inventions (pacemakers心脏起搏器/scratch-resistant lenses防刮镜片)
- 在太空进行科学实验 perform scientific experiments in space
- 扩展人类对于太空的知识 expand human knowledge about space
- 激励孩子们去探索科技 inspire children to explore science and technology
- 令人鼓舞的成就 inspiring achievements
- 气象卫星 weather satellite(s) (provide reliable weather forecasts)
- GPS (the Global Positioning System)-make driving easier and more comfortable
- 外语技能 foreign language skills
- 熟练的掌握一门外语 become proficient in a foreign language, have a good command of a foreign language
- 双语技能 bilingual skills
- 有更多娱乐选择 have more entertainment choices
- 有机会接触到不同的文化和生活方式 are exposed to different cultures and lifestyles
- 对待文化差异会更宽容 are more tolerant of cultural differences
- 对其它文化有更加开放的心态 are more open-minded towards other cultures
- 可以更有创造力的思考 can think more creatively
- 享有盛誉的大学 prestigious universities
- 主流语言 dominant languages
- 英语扩张 the expansion of English
- 国际会议/商务会谈/贸易 international conferences/business meetings/trade
- 非主流语言 a minority language (is spoken by a small group of people/is losing speakers)
- 一种濒危语言 an endangered language
- 灭绝 die out/go extinct
- 母语 mother tongue/native language (gives them a sense of belonging归属感/forms part of their cultural identity 文化身份/helps them protect their customs and traditions风俗传统)
- 感到和自己的文化传承脱节 feel disconnected from their heritage
- 多元化社会 multicultural society
- 文化多样性 cultural diversity
- 来自各自不同背景的人 people from a wide variety of backgrounds
- 文化差异 cultural differences
- 有不同信仰和价值观 have different beliefs and values
- 民族食品 ethnic food
- 多元文化社会 multicultural society
- 文化多样性 cultural diversity
- 不同的风俗和传统 different customs and traditions
- 建立理解和信任 build understanding and trust
- 彼此之间和睦相处 live in harmony with each other
- 享有平等的受教育和就业机会 have equal educational and employment opportunities
- 语言(沟通)障碍 language barriers/ linguistic barriers
- 紧张关系和冲突 tensions and conflicts
- 在学校或者工作中存在的歧视 discrimination at school or in the workplace
- 收到不公正的对待 are treated unfairly (…are paid lower wages)
- 雇佣文化背景多样的劳动力 employ a culturally diverse workforce
- 新移民 new immigrants
- 为他们提供免费社会融入课程 provide them with free integration courses—help them integrate into society 融入社会
- 感觉孤独和孤立 feel lonely and isolated
- 文化传承 cultural heritage
- 历史遗址 historic sites
- 风俗习惯和传统 customs and traditions
- 传统价值观 traditional values
- 历史人物 historical figures
- 历史时期 historical periods
- 战争和冲突 wars and conflicts
- 给我们共同记忆 give us a collective memory
- 构成我们文化身份的一部分 form (v.) part of our cultural identity
- 是艺术家创作灵感的重要来源 is a rich source of inspiration for artists
- 从历史中汲取灵感 draw inspiration from history
- 艺术产业 the art industry
- 让城市有自己的特色 give character to a city
- 用回收材料做的艺术品 works of art made from recycled materials
- 民间音乐 folk music
- 在人与人之间建立联系 create connections among people
- (音乐)是一种共通的语言 an universal language
- 音乐节 music festivals
- 建立良好的关系 build good relationships
- 改善国际关系 improve international relations
- 紧密合作 work in partnership
- 解决全球化问题 tackle global problems
- 建立理解和信任 build understanding and trust
- 促进国际和平和理解 promote international peace and understanding
- 导致国家之间关系紧张 strain relations between countries
- 国际贸易 international trade
- 文化交流 cultural exchanges
- 打击犯罪和恐怖主义 combat crime and terrorism
- 互利的 are mutually beneficial
- 进口商品 imported goods
- 本国生产的商品 domestically produced goods
- 当地生产的商品 locally produced goods
- 国家之间自由贸易 free trade between countries
- 吸引外资 attract foreign investment
- 国际运输和通讯网 international transport and communication networks
- 国际间劳动力迁移 international labor migration
- (政府)鼓励他国人向本国移民 encourage immigration
- 减轻劳动力短缺 ease labor shortages
- 跨国公司 multinational corporations (例如:McDonald’s/Starbucks)
- 被大批量生产 are mass-produced
- (商品)被运往世界各地 are shipped around the world
- 控制当地市场 dominate (vt.) the local market
- 导致当地竞争者难以生存 drive their local competitors out of business
(The price cuts will disappear after supermarkets drive their competitors out of business.)
- (不同国家的人)过着相似的生活 lead similar lifestyles
- 分享相同的时尚和品牌 share the same fashions and brands
- 看相同的电影和电视节目 watch the same films and television programs
- 威胁文化多样性 threaten cultural diversity/pose a threat to cultural diversity
- 削弱文化认同感 erode their sense of cultural identity
- 国际援助 international aid
- 人道主义援助 humanitarian aid (food aid; medical aid)
- 援助国 donor countries
- 受助国 recipient countries
- 国际社会 the international community
- 紧急援助 emergency aid
- 自然灾害 natural disasters
- 财政援助 financial aid
- 减少饥饿和疾病 reduce hunger and disease
- 减少极度饥饿和贫困 reduce starvation and extreme poverty
- 滥用援助金 misuse (vt.) the aid money
- 引发更多的腐败现象 lead to more corruption
- 发展性援助 development aid
- 创造就业 create jobs
- 从发达国家向发展中国家进行技术转让 technology transfer
- 技术培训项目 technical training programs
- 教育交换计划 educational exchange programs
- 改善基础设施 improve infrastructure
- 改善教育和医疗 improve education and health care
- 重建经济 rebuild the economy
- 减少(受助国)对国际援助的依赖 reduce their dependence on international aid
- 带有政治目的 is tied to political objectives
- 旅游产业the tourism industry
- 政府税收的主要来源 an important source of government tax revenue
- 对当地资源构成压力 put pressure on local resources
- (游客)消费当地商品和服务 spend money on local goods and services
- 买旅游纪念品 buy souvenirs
- 旅游景点 tourist attractions
- 被过度商业化 be over-commercialized
- 迎合游客的期待 meet tourists’ expectations
- 旅游指南书 guide books
- 探索当地文化 explore the local culture
- 在神圣的地方保持举止得当 behave respectably in sacred places (e.g. temples)
- 建立理解和信任 build trust and understanding
- 建筑的外观 the appearance of a building
- 安全可靠 safe and reliable
- 舒适环保 comfortable and eco-friendly
- 有创意的设计 creative designs
- 视觉上令人愉悦 is visually pleasing
- 建筑的外部 the exterior of a building
- 建筑的内部 the interior of a building
- 建筑设计师和工程师 architects and building engineers
- 住房需求的增加 the rising demand for housing
- 高层建筑 high-rise buildings
- 保护老建筑 preserve/protect old buildings
- 给城市以特色 give character to a city
- 旅游景点 tourist attractions
- 地标 landmarks
- 拆除老建筑 demolish old buildings
- 为……腾出空间 make room for
e.g. The building will be demolished to make room for new constructions.
- 城市区域 urban areas
- 农村区域 rural areas
- 城市居民 urban residents/dwellers
- 搬到城市 move to cities/relocate to cities
- 导致农村劳动力短缺 cause labor shortages in rural areas
- 高的生活开支 high living costs
- 城市规划师 city planners
- 城市布局 the layout of a city
- 休闲区域 recreational areas
- 商业区域 commercial areas
- 工业区域 industrial zones
- 实现对于土地的高效利用 achieve efficient land use
- 步行区 a car-free zone/a pedestrian zone
- 自行车道 bike lanes
- (博物馆)门票费 admission fees
- 收取门票费 charge (v.) admission fees
- 提供免费参观 offer free admission
- 购买纪念品 buy souvenirs
- 运营成本 operating costs
- 来自馆内礼品店的销售收入 revenue from gift shop sales
- 政府提供资助 government funding (n.)
- 私人捐赠 private donations
- (游客)探索当地文化和历史 explore the local culture and history
- (展品)被陈列 are on display
- 具有教育意义的活动 educational activities
- 互动性活动 interactive activities
- 触摸屏 touch screens
- 提供电脑资源为主的图书馆 computer-based libraries/digital libraries
- 增强社区成员之间的联系 strengthen community connections
- 与邻居发展良好的关系 develop good relationships with their neighbors
- 减少犯罪和反社会行为 reduce crime and anti-social behavior
- 投钱
- invest (v.) in – investment (n.)
- spend money on
- allocate (v.) money to
- sth. be funded by governments
- 收税 impose (v.) a tax on sth.
- 收重税 impose high taxes on sth.
- 交税 pay taxes to the government
- 是政府税收的重要来源 is an important source of government tax revenue
- 创造就业 create jobs
- 减少贫困 reduce poverty
- 提高教育水平 raise educational standards
- 促进经济增长 boost economic growth
- 阻碍经济发展 hinder economic growth
- 鼓励创新 encourage innovation
- 基本生活需求 basic necessities (包括:food, clothing, housing, health care, education……)
- 贫困当中的人 people in need
- 低收入家庭 low-income families
- 无家可归的人 homeless people
- 失业的人 jobless/unemployed people
- 生活在贫困线下 live below the poverty line
- 减少社会不公 reduce social inequality
- 减少收入不均 reduce income inequality
- 过度依赖政府 rely too much on the government
- 减少他们对于政府的依赖 reduce their dependence on governments
- 给他们提供职业培训 provide them with vocational training
- 升级他们的技能 upgrade their skills
- 依靠自己的劳动生活自力更生 earn a living to support themselves
- 资金不足 be under-funded
- 人员不足 be under-staffed
- 为……提供资助 give financial support to
- 遇到财务困难 face financial difficulties
- 保证教育机会公平 ensure equal opportunities for all students/ ensure equality in education
- 把……当作当务之急 give priority to
- 把资金从……改用到…… divert money from …… to ……
e.g. It would be better to divert money from defence to developing green technologies.
- 浪费公共资源 be a waste of public money
- 完善公共服务 improve public services
- 公共服务包括:education, healthcare services, public transport services, environmental protection, state pensions (养老金), unemployment benefits (失业救济金), child benefits (儿童福利金), national security
- 改善基础设施 improve infrastructure
- 制定法律 introduce laws to
e.g. introduce laws to protect the environment
- 制定更加严格的法律 tighten the law on
e.g. tighten the law on media violence
- 禁止 impose a ban on
e.g. impose a ban on mobile phone use while driving
- 监管 regulate (v.)
e.g. regulate the advertising of unhealthy food
- 采取措施 take some measures/take some actions
- 一个目光短浅的政策 a short-sighted policy
- 武装力量 armed forces
- 军费开支 military spending
- 紧张关系和冲突 tensions and conflicts
- 政府干预 government interference
- 限制自由 restrict freedom
- 增进公众的健康 improve public health
- 组织大规模宣传活动 run campaigns to encourage people to
e.g. Governments can run campaigns to encourage people to use public transport.
- 最大化利益 maximize profits
- 最小化成本 minimize costs
- 老年人 elderly people/ senior citizens
- 上升的人口寿命 the increasing/rising life expectancy
- 高出生率 high birth rates
- 控制人口增长 control/limit population growth
- 增加医疗体系的负担 increase the burden on the healthcare system
- 增加纳税人负担 increase the burden on taxpayers
- 导致对医疗服务的需求增加 increase the demand for healthcare services
- 医疗工作者的短缺 a shortage of healthcare workers
(The challenges include an ageing workforce and shortages of healthcare workers)
- 退休的人 retired people;retirees
- 退休年龄the retirement age
- 工作的成年人 working adults
- 更少的工作人口 a smaller working population
- 人口出生率低 low birth rates
- 劳动力短缺 labour shortages
- 国家养老金体系 the state pension system
- 提高法定退休年龄 raise/increase/extend the retirement age
- 鼓励其它国家向本国移民 encourage immigration
- 养老存款 retirement savings
- 上升的生活成本 rising living costs
- 医疗费用 healthcare costs
- 遇到财务困难 face financial difficulties
- 到退休年龄后还要继续工作 work beyond the retirement age
- 有一份稳定的收入来源 have a steady source of income
- (老员工)经验更丰富 have more experience
- 忠诚可靠 are loyal and reliable
- 有更强大的职业关系网 have stronger professional networks
- 对很多问题持有保守态度 hold conservative views on many issues
- 不愿意接受新想法 are reluctant to accept new ideas
- (年轻员工)更有创造力 are more innovative
- 思想更开放 are more open-minded
- 有志向且精力充沛 are ambitious and energetic
- 具有更好电脑技能 have better computer skills
- 更可能冒险 are more likely to take risks
- 缺少实践经验 lack (v.) practical experience
- 可能做出鲁莽决定 may make rash decisions
- 年龄歧视 age discrimination
- 跨越代沟 bridge the generation gap
- 确保所有求职者都有平等的机会 ensure equal opportunities for all job applicants
- 照顾年迈父母 look after their elderly parents
- 分享智慧和人生经历 share their wisdom and life experience with their grandchildren
- 核子家庭 nuclear family (小家庭)
- are more independent
- have more privacy and freedom
- 大家庭 extended family
- 还房贷 pay their mortgage
- 分担家庭职责 share household tasks (cleaning, cooking, doing the laundry, taking young children to school in the morning)
- 工作的父母 working parents
- 节省照顾小孩的钱 save on childcare costs (….help families save on childcare costs)
- (祖父母和父母)有不同育儿观点 have different ideas about child rearing
- …不同的生活方式和价值观have different lifestyles and values
- 引起家庭冲突 cause family conflict
- 追溯家族历史 trace family history
- 令人激动的发现过程 is an exciting process of discovery
- 满足关于祖先的好奇心 satisfy their curiosity about their ancestors
- 家庭健康史 family health history (help people prevent some diseases)
- 导致久坐不动/缺少运动的生活方式 lead to a sedentary lifestyle
- 吃健康的、均衡的饮食 eat/have a healthy and balanced diet
- 形成健康的饮食习惯 develop healthy eating habits
- 在年轻人中推广健康的生活方式 promote healthy lifestyles among young people
- 家里做的饭菜 home-cooked meals
- 减少患心脏病的风险 reduce the risk of heart disease
e.g. Children who have more home-cooked meals are at lower risk of heart disease.
- 低脂、低糖的饮食 a low-fat and low-sugar diet
- 富含蔬菜的饮食 a diet rich in vegetables
- 过一种快节奏的生活 lead a fast-paced lifestyle
- 含糖高的饮料 sugary drinks
- 高卡路里的饮食 a high-calorie diet
- 变得过重 become overweight
- 儿童肥胖 childhood obesity
- 缺少运动的生活方式 a sedentary lifestyle
- 接受健康的生活方式 adopt a healthy lifestyle
- 经常锻炼 exercise regularly
- 经常步行或者骑车 walk or cycle regularly
- 增加身体活动量 increase their physical activity
e.g. There are a number of steps that parents can take to help their children learn how to increase their physical activity.
- 提高免疫机能 boost the immune system
- 更高效更有活力的工作 can work more efficiently and energetically
- 减压 relieve stress
- 减轻压力和焦虑 reduce stress and anxiety
- 团队运动 team sports
- 促进团体精神 promote team spirit
- 顽强的意志力 strong willpower
- 毅力和决心 perseverance and determination
- 体育场和运动中心 stadiums and sports centers
- 足球场 football pitch
- 网球场 tennis court
- 主办奥运会 host (v.) the Olympic Games
- 门票销售 tickets sales
- 广告收入 advertising revenue
- 奥运奖牌获得者 Olympic medalists
- 奥运场馆建设 the construction of Olympic venues
- 安全措施 security measures
- 增加纳税人的负担 increase the burden on taxpayers
- 超出预算 go over budget
- 电视播出的赛事 televised sports events
- 涉及高风险 involve high risks (n.)
- 冒着生命危险 risk (v.) their lives
- 头部和颈部损伤 head and neck injury
- 企业赞助商 corporate sponsors
- 个人捐款者 individual donors
- 医疗费用 healthcare costs
- 医疗领域的进步 medical advances
- 在以前不能治愈的疾病 previously incurable diseases
- 可以被治疗和治愈can be treated and cured
- 减少看电视的时间 reduce television viewing
- 坚持有规律的作息 keep a regular sleep schedule
- 保持健康状况 maintain good health
- 增进健康和幸福感 improve their health and well-being
- 健康节目 health programs
- 提供可靠的健康信息 provide reliable health information
- 冷冻食物 frozen food
- 罐装食物 canned food
- 保证食物 packaged food
- 新鲜食物 fresh food (is more nutritious更加有营养)
- 食物的远程运输 be transported over long distances
- 增加温室气体排放 increase greenhouse gas emissions
- 加剧气候变化 contribute to climate change
- 含有化学添加剂 contain chemical additives
- 食物防腐剂 food preservatives
- 对消费者构成健康风险 pose health risks to consumers
- 基因工程技术 genetic engineering technology
- 转基因农作物 genetically modified crops / GM food
- 提高农作物产量 increase crop yield
- (转基因作物)更加抗虫害 be more resistant to diseases and insects
- 扰乱食物链 disrupt the food chain
- 监管转基因食物 regulate genetically modified food/ GM food
- 看电视上瘾 television addiction (n.)
- 对健康有害 is damaging to their health/cause damage to their health
- 有机食品 organic food
- 是未使用化学产品生产的 are produced without chemicals
- 医学研究 medical research
- 研发新的药品和疫苗 develop new medicines and vaccines
- 制药公司 pharmaceutical companies
- 检测新药的安全性 test the safety of new medicines
- 荣誉感 a sense of pride
- 归属感 a sense of belonging
- 感到无聊和沮丧 feel bored and frustrated
- 导致紧张和焦虑 cause stress and anxiety