- The $\LaTeX$ Companion, 3rd. Frank Mittelbach, Ulrike Fischer
- lshort-zh-cn
- 《$\LaTeX$ 入门》刘海洋
- The $\TeX$book. Donald E. Knuth
- More Math into $\LaTeX$. George Grätzer
- Tame the BeaST. Nicolas Markey.
texdoc ttb_en
- $\BibTeX$ing. Oren Patashnik.
texdoc bibtex
- Designing $\BibTeX$ Styles. Oren Patashnik.
texdoc btxhak
- Natural Sciences Citations and References (Author-Year and Numerical Schemes). Patrick W. Daly.
texdoc natbib
- GB/T 7714 $\BibTeX$ style. Zeping Lee.
texdoc gbt7714
- The biblatex Package Programmable Bibliographies and Citations. Philip Kime, Moritz Wemheuer, Philipp Lehman.
texdoc biblatex
- 符合 GB/T 7714-2015 标准的 biblatex 参考文献样式. 胡振震.
texdoc biblatex-gb7714-2015
- Fira Math. Sans-serif font with Unicode math support. Xiangdong Zeng
- Garamond-Math. Yuansheng Zhao, Xiangdong Zeng
- Lato Math. Chenjing Bu, Daniel Flipo
- The doc and shortvrb Packages. Frank Mittelbach.
texdoc doc
- The DocStrip program.
texdoc docstrip
- How to Package Your $\LaTeX$ Package. Scott Pakin.
texdoc dtxtut
- The gmdoc bundle. Grzegorz Murzynowski.
texdoc gmdoc
- The hypdoc package. Heiko Oberdiek.
texdoc hypdoc
- The docmfp package. Will Robertson.
texdoc docmfp
- The xdoc package – experimental reimplementations of features from doc, second prototype. Lars Hellström.
texdoc xdoc2
- $\LaTeX$ for package and class authors.
texdoc clsguide
. 这个只是最基础的教程,开发一个宏包或者文档类模版远不止这么简单。
- The $\LaTeX$3 Interfaces.
texdoc interface3
- The expl3 package and $\LaTeX$3 programming.
texdoc expl3.pdf
- $\LaTeX$ for authors.
texdoc xparse
- TikZ/PGF
texdoc tikz
- pgfplots
texdoc pgfplots
- tkz-euclide
texdoc tkz-euclide
- Asymptote: the Vector Graphics Language.
texdoc asymptote
- $\LaTeX$’s hook management. Frank Mittelbach.
texdoc lthooks-doc
- $\LaTeXe$ 内核:
texdoc source2e
- $\LaTeX$3 内核:
texdoc source3