I’m Siyu Wu, a postgraduate student at School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University. I’m interested in mathematics, computer science (such as Python, C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, git) and $\LaTeX$.
- Jekyll
- Jekyll Minima Theme
- stone-zeng.github.io
- Gitalk
- Inter font family
- JetBrains Mono font family
- Source Han Sans
- KaTeX
- 泛函分析讲义答案(许全华)[PDF] [仓库]
- 抽象代数答案(张勤海)[PDF]
- 常微分教程答案(丁同仁、李承治)[PDF] [仓库]
- 数学物理方程(谷超豪)答案
- $\LaTeX$ 常用宏包中文翻译版
- 论文重排
- Tool: Convert string to title case
- Tool: dtx2tex (Python script used to strip the documentation lines in the
file to create a corresponding.tex
file.) - Beamer HTML Manual
- 文章数:28
- 总访客数:
- 最后构建:2024-10-17 16:07:58 +0000
若无特殊声明,本站所有文章均按照 CC BY-SA 4.0 协议发布。